Monday, October 11, 2010

Jailbreak your iPod Touch 4G with limera1n

Here is how to jailbreak your iPod Touch 4G with limera1n. This method is not supported on MAC yet.

What you need:
  • Windows PC
  • If you are using MAC, you need to bootcamp with any windows version (XP, Vista, 7)
  • iPod Touch 4G
  • iPod dock connector
  • A lot of patience... :)
The Steps:
  1. Please backup your iPod JUST IN CASE!
  2. Plug your iPod Touch 4G into Windows.
  3. Download limera1n from:
  4. Follow the steps (It's just "click" and "DFU Mode")
  5. Wait till you see the limera1n logo on your iPod Touch 4G.
  6. After that, your iPod Touch 4g will automatically shut down.
  7. Move back to your Mac, and plug your iPod Touch 4G.
  8. Unlock your device (slide to unlock), and turn your Wi-Fi on.
  9. Open limera1n app., and tap on Cydia.
  10. It will install Cydia.
  11. After all is done, reboot!
Congratz!! You are done! :)

Some Reviews:
The jailbreak doesn't lag AT ALL. Previously, I was using iPod Touch 1G and so I am telling you, this is a huge significance.
Battery Consumption: Still testing out
Jailbreak Apps: Still testing out

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